释义 |
identifiability 英/ a??dent?fa???b?l?ti / 美/ a??dent?fa???b?l?ti / - 1
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语言学 可别度 In chapter three, we decribes the scope of the noun in the structure ofthe classifier-noun to subject position,and we alalyzes the selection of theclassifier-noun to the noun and the classifier from four angles-Semantics,animation, identifiability and seliece. 本文第三章描写了衡东新塘方言主语位置上定指量名结构中名词的范围,并从语义、生命度、可别度、显著度四个角度分析了主语位置上定指量名结构对名词的选择。
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法学 可识别性 However,concealed product placement conflicts with the requirement of advertising’s identifiability. Product placement,in nature,still falls into the scope of advertisement. 植入式广告在本质上仍然属于广告,这使得植入式广告的隐蔽性和广告规制所要求的广告可识别性之间存在冲突。