海岸带综合管理 ( Integrated Coastal Zone Management ) 是一种综合的、统筹的管理思路和管理行为。首先, 海岸带综合管理 需要有一个综合性的主体来主导,从实际操作来看,这个主体是...
...Integrated coastal zone management: Under an ecosystem approach to IWRM it is impossible- even counterproductive- to consider freshwater and saltwater environments as separate ecosystems 沿海地区综合管理:按照在水资源综合管理中采用的注重生态系统的办法,决不可把淡水环境和咸水环境作为不同的生态系统分别加以处理,否则只会起相反的...
The integratedmanagement planning for regional coastalzone is a fundamental method to resolve the contradiction between coastal tourism development and environmental protection.