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Keep in mind that andLinux is currently in beta, the release at the time of this writing being beta 1 release candidate 6, so this is pretty bleeding edge stuff. 记住andLinux现在正在测试,写这篇文章的发布的是beta 1第6候选版本,所以这真是该死的边缘。 - 2
Indeed, bleeding contributes to approximately 30% of trauma-related deaths. 1 bleeding in critical locations, such as an intracerebral hemorrhage, may also pose a major clinical challenge. 实际上,出血是大约30%的创伤死亡病例的死亡原因。1关键部位的出血,如脑出血,也临床面临的一项主要挑战。 - 3
Results Among of the 7 cases, 2 cases skin and mucous plaque, 2cases dark stools and microscopic hematuria, 2 cases gingival bleeding and hemorrhinia, 1 cases brain hemorrhage. 结果7例中皮肤黏膜瘀斑2例,黑便及镜下血尿2例,牙龈及鼻出血2例,脑出血1例,7例全部治愈。