释义 |
1 ?睡眼惺忪 Iain sat up with a jolt, and the laughing, blonde man vanishing along with his last moment of sleep. He was sweaty. He had had a nightmare, he decided, throwing off the blankets and standing up. Sniffing the acrid scent of his body, he fumbled for his boots, combed his hair with a wooden utensil Alexandria had left on the wash stand, and tumbled, bleary-eyed, down the stairs. The common room was empty, but the lack of light from outside showed him that today was just as gray and gloomy as before.
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Her mind went to Beth, Jill's daughter, who had come home last night, bleary eyed, when she and Jill were ready for bed. 她想起了Jill的女儿,Beth。昨晚她和Jill正准备睡觉,Beth才睡眼迷离地回来。 - 2
For us it took nearly 3 weeks before the bleary eyed zombie walk down the hall to the kitchen passed, but now that we've got the hang of it I know there's no turning back. 我们花了近3周才找到了窍门,从睡眼惺忪的僵尸一样在厨房晃荡到不再懒床。 - 3
One day in September while travelling, bleary eyed, on the London Underground, an article in a newspaper caught my eye: an opportunity to join a community project in Sierra Leone. 九月的一天,我睡眼朦胧地在伦敦地铁上,一份报纸抓住了我的眼球:参加部族客塞拉利昂项目。