释义 |
1 ?彩漂液 ...彩漂液(BLEACH LIQUID)是由北京日光精细(集团)公司提供的优质沐浴露类商品,北京日光精细(集团)公司常年供应彩漂液(BLEACH LIQUID),热忱欢迎广大消费者与经销商购买! 2 ?漂白液 ... 荧光漂白 bleach liquor 漂白液 bleach liquid 漂白液 bleach consumption ... 3 ?供应漂白液 ... 供应泡泡浴 bubble bath 供应漂白液 bleach liquid 供应厨房清洁剂 kitchen cleanser ...
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Treating water with chlorine tablets, iodine tablets, or liquid bleach will not kill many parasitic organisms. 用氯片、碘片、或液体漂白剂处理食水不会杀死很多寄生的生物。 - 2
If the water you are using comes from a well or water source that is not treated with chlorine, add two drops of non-scented liquid household chlorine bleach to each gallon of water. 如果你使用的水来自水井或没有用氯气处理过的水源,就在每加仑水滴两滴家用氯气漂白剂。用原装盖把容器拧紧。 - 3
Despite the language of ads, all liquid bleach is basically the same. 尽管广告说得天花乱坠,但所有液体漂白剂都基本相同。