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A group of gentoo penguins nests on an icy shore of Cierva Cove, Antarctica. - 2
"I group Pluto with the other icy bodies in the Kuiper Belt," said Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of New York City's Hayden Planetarium. "I think it's happier there, actually. “我把冥王星与其他柯伊伯带冰态天体归为一类,”纽约海登天文馆的负责人Neil deGrasse Tyson说,“我认为它在那更合适,真的。 - 3
We can totally imaged Voltaire's flickering eyes, as same as icy knife with keen edge, yet Voltaire obsequiously evaded the group that occupied powerful position, straight pierced to Rousseau. 我们完全可以想象伏尔泰闪烁不定的目光,像冰冷锋利的刀子一样,但伏尔泰谄媚地避开占据强势位置的群体,直刺卢梭。