释义 |
- 象征性标志:一种具有代表性或象征意义的标志,通常用于表示某个特定的概念、地点或事件。
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"Apple never writes' Apple Store 'on it's signs - it just puts up the glowing, iconic fruit," she wrote. 苹果公司从来不会在标志上写Apple Store——它只有发光的公司商标“她写到。” - 2
The iconic imagery is complete as the young Maul, with right hand raised, signs the universal symbol for love; his index finger connects to a sunbeam and his penetrating gaze connects to ours. 意象形象完整——年轻的摩尔举着右手,表示了对爱的普遍象征;他的指标式的手指指向一道光芒,穿透的目光直指我们。 - 3
"Apple never writes' Apple Store 'on its signs - it just puts up the glowing, iconic fruit," wrote BirdAbroad. BirdAbroad说苹果公司从来不在门前写“Apple Store”——它只需要把那个标志性的水果放出来就可以了。