释义 |
1 [气象]?冰雾 定义 中文名称:冰雾 英文名称:ice fog 定义1:由悬浮在空气中的大量微小冰晶组成的雾。 应用学科: 大气科学(一级学科);大气(二级学科) 定义2:由悬浮在空中的大量微小冰晶组成的雾。 应用学 2 ?好吧这个也是吐槽的 吧友清算:dota2好汉意见意义配音台词 ... does immortality work for both of us? it better!这玩意儿对咱俩都有效么?那就太好了! icefog 好吧这个也是吐槽的 lina, frozen out. 莉娜,你出局了 ...
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The statement also said that GOES-R will give better estimates of wind strength, as well as better measurement of fog, ice or lightning strikes. 声明还表示,GOES-R卫星能够对风力强度进行更好的估算,还能对雾、冰以及雷击进行更好的测算。 - 2
The one that says he's not like t 'other stone men, that he started as a statue till a grey woman came out of the fog and kissed him with lips as cold as ice. 那个和其他石人不一样的人,他本身是个雕塑知道一个灰色的女人从雾中爬出用冰一样寒冷的嘴唇亲吻了他。 - 3
However, in 1952, the sea was like an ice bath and the fog was so dense she could hardly see her support boats. 然而,在1952年,海水的温度就想冰水浴场一样,整个海面被烟雾笼罩着,她几乎看不到她的辅助船。