... 所属州: WA 名字: Hedlund 姓: S ...
中文名称: 赫德伦德 英文名称: Hedlund 英文全称: Simon Hedlund 生日: 1993-01-01 身高: 175cm 体重: 68kg 年龄: 20岁 位置: 前锋
加内特·赫德兰 ; 赫德兰 ; 盖瑞特荷德伦 ; 加内特
Recycle Across America founder Mitch Hedlund was surprised when Ashoka reached out to learn more about her work.
FORBES: What Is The Value Of A Network?
As Dean, the twenty-eight-year-old Minnesotan Garrett Hedlund is physically alive, and often naked, with a husky bedroom voice, too.
NEWYORKER: On the Road
Ashoka gave Hedlund an identity as a social entrepreneur, a network of innovators similar to herself and validated her idea.