释义 |
- abbr.尊贵的殿下(His Serene Highness)
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The average 30-year mortgage rate, which is based off of the 10-year Treasury rate, rose to 6.75% Wednesday from 6.05% Oct. 6, as the 10-year Treasury yield rose, according to HSH Associates. 根据HSH Associates的数据,由于10年期美国国债收益率走高,30年期抵押贷款平均利率周三从10月6日的6.05%上升至6.75%,该利率是以10年期美国国债收益率为基准的。 - 2
Conclusion HSH could resuscitate Cryogenic brain injury complicated shock effectively, at the same time decrease ICP and relieve the apoptosis of nerve cell. 结论高渗盐复合液可有效复苏冷冻性脑损伤合并失血性休克,降低颅内压,减轻神经细胞凋亡。 - 3
The paper expounds a state of the art of HSH, and then presents experimental model, system model and its home monitoring model, sensors classification, and trends of technologic fields of concern. 阐述了健康智能家庭的研究现状,给出了实验模型、系统模型和其中的家庭监护模块,重点介绍了传感器技术,并指出了所关注的技术领域的发展趋势。