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1 ?喷砂处理 处理 中文名称: 喷砂处理 英文名称: Blasting Treatment 友情链接 中国酒网 中国苗木网 中国水产品网 中国视听网 中国白茶网 中国半导体网 中国板式家具网 中国包装网 中国电池网 中国徽 2 ?爆破治理 高边坡危岩体的爆破治理,免费工学论文,免费论文网,免费矿山工程技术论文 关键词:爆破治理;安全防护措施;危岩体;边坡 [gap=815]keywords:blasting treatment; safety measures; high slope; dangerous rocks
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Furthermore, other problems as land-slide treatment, blasting project and construction quality check-up are discussed as well. 此外,还就塌方处理,爆破方案,工程质量检查等问题进行了探讨。 - 2
This paper involved the selection of blasting parameters, calculation of charge weight, design of priming circuit, waterproof treatment of charges and the processes of charge setup and water pouring. 文中介绍了爆破参数的选取、药量计算、起爆网路的设计、药包防水处理以及布药和注水工艺。 - 3
After blasting or surface treatment chemically and cleaning by solvent, the metal insert was plated FR1, predried, then adhered by thermal cure, a good effect was gained. 金属骨架经喷砂或表面化学处理并用溶剂清洗之后,涂FR 1型粘合剂,经预烘干后与橡胶进行热硫化粘着,效果良好。