... $HIC 天蓝 $HIW 白色 $GND 透明色 ...
?响天气(High Impact Weather)
中国THORpex计划的初步考虑 - docin.com豆丁网 究计划(WWRP)"的框架下全面组织实施。该计划提出了一个 全新的、由社会与经济影响定义的天气概念:高影响天气(High Impact Weather, HIW)。它 包括灾害天气和每天的"一般"天气。THORPEX 国际计划将通过解决:(1) 天气系统演变与可
He said he hoped HIW would take his report into account in planning inspections.
BBC: Cefn Coed Hospital, Swansea apology for patient failure
After discussions with the health board, the HIW inspectors found only 28% of patients' concerns met the 30-day deadline for response.
BBC: Ysbyty Glan Clwyd A&E ambulance queue criticised by HIW
The hospital was deemed "not fit for purpose" by HIW last April.