大家下午好,很高兴来给大家上英语课 ? good afternoon everyone, I am very happy to give English classes 打他 ? hit him 几种婚姻关系, ? Several marriages, ..
尽管困难重重,他设法提前完成了任务 ? Despite the difficulties, he managed to finish the task ahead 揍他 ? Hit him 你想用那个聊天工具视屏通话 ? You may want to use the chat tool screen phone ..
船公司对待所有人都是一视同仁 ? Shipping companies are all treated equally 导致他走上路 ? hit him 自从2008年以来,他一直住在上海。 ? Since 2008 he has been living in Shanghai.
这是个错误的句子 ? This is a wrong sentences 撞了他 ? Hit him 青岛市市南区漳州路63号丙 ? zhangzhou road Qingdao City South District 63 c ..