

单词 halt input
halt input
  • 简明释义
  • 停机输入,暂停输入
  • 网络释义
  • 1


    ... 停机指示器 halt indicator 停机输入 halt input 停机指令,暂停指令 halt instruction ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    How could we use DOES-HALT to determine if a program produces the correct output for a specific input? Keep in mind that DOES-HALT does just that — it halts.
    对于一个特定的输入来说,我们如何用DOES - HALT判断程序是否产生了一个恰当的输出呢?
  • 2
    Now, all we need to do is run DOES-HALT (COMPARE-OUTPUT, [program, input, expected output]) to know whether or not program passes the test case, input, and outputs the expected output.
    现在,我们所要做的全部事情就是运行DOES - HALT (COMPARE - output,[program, input, expected out put]),这样一来我们就会知道程序是否通过了测试用例,输入,和输出预期的输出。
  • 3
    That means work on this input will halt, as it should.
    这意味着在此的输入作业将停止,因为它应该停下。 但如果它检测到一个不可停止的循环,那么P报告"Bad"!




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