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住房科学 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?住宅科技 清除 Cookies- TOP图片中心_住宅科技(Housing Science)_工程科技_期刊点评网,期刊,期刊点评网...
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It should lead to the development of science-based advice on how measures to reduce climate change in housing and construction can avoid risks to health, and produce health improvements. 会议应当引导提出以科学为基础的建议,如何才能使得住房和建筑方面的气候变化减缓措施避免带来健康危险,使健康得以改善。 - 2
Xiangchun, LU. What is behind the booming of housing market in urban China? An analysis from demand side and supply side. Graduate School of Information Science, Tohoku University. 泸向春。中国城市住房市场迅猛发展的背后:从供给方和需求方的分析。东北大学大学院情报科学研究科。 - 3
If the focus of science at the time had been on housing, or healthy diets, the cause of tuberculosis might well have been determined to be these factors. 如果当时科学家们的注意力集中在住房条件或饮食卫生方面,那么肺结核的原因就会被认定为这些因素。