释义 |
house-trained 英/ ?ha?s tre?nd / 美/ ?ha?s tre?nd / 1 ?会到房外便溺的 ... hireling trained 雇用受训人员 house-trained 会到房外便溺的 if it is trained properlywatchdog 看门狗 ...
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As I reached for the draft copy of my speech notes, I realized Qiu Qiu had left me a message as only a partially house-trained puppy can do. 我伸手去拿演讲稿,发现只受过一点儿家庭训练的秋秋给我留了言。 - 2
They make, it seems, brilliant pets - they are affectionate, can be house-trained, learn their names, and Croft says they are more intelligent than dogs. 它们看起来真是很出色的宠物——它们很有感情、容易驯养(到屋外方便)、能听懂自己的名字,而且克罗夫特说,它们比狗更聪明。 - 3
Following crazes for tea-cup piglets, pygmy hedgehogs and meerkats, it seems that baby skunks, with their soft fur and ability to be house-trained, are proving an ideal family pet. 这也是继茶叶杯猪仔、侏儒刺猬、猫鼬之后,又一轮新奇宠物的热潮,然而一只年幼的浑身柔软绒毛的臭鼬在经过一轮的训练培养之后,似乎就成了完美的家养宠物。