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农业科学 大麦属 Barley is an annual plant, belonging to genus Hordeum, family Gramineae. It has about 30 species, among which only common barley (H. vulgare, L. ) has cultivating value, including two cultured types, hulled barley and naked barley. 大麦(barley)系禾本科大麦属的一年生或越年生草本植物,有栽培价值的只有普通大麦(H.vulgare,L.)一个种,有皮大麦和裸大麦两种栽培类型,裸大麦也称青稞,是我国青藏高原地区主要的粮食作物,对该地区的农业生产有着举足轻重的作用。
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生物学 大麦属 The main results showed as following:1. The esterase isozyme(EST) and superoxide isozyme(SOD) of 24 species of Leymus,Australopyrum,Agropyron,Lophopyrum,Pseudoroegneria,Psathyrostachys and Hordeum in triticeae were analyzed by using polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis (PAGE) technique. 主要结果如下:1.利用垂直平板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)对赖草属、冰草属、偃麦草属、澳冰草属、拟鹅观草属、新麦草属和大麦属7个属24个物种的酯酶同工酶和超氧化物歧化酶同工酶进行比较分析。