

单词 Horatius Cocles
Horatius Cocles
  • 简明释义
  • 普布里乌斯·豪拉提乌斯·科克莱斯
  • 网络释义
  • 1


    ...守此桥的罗马军望见刀明戟亮的敌军潮水般地杀来时,全都没了主意,扔了兵器一溜烟似地散了,这时一张飞式的勇士(Horatius Cocles),叫住了几个士兵命令他们从东岸拆桥,而自己便一人单枪匹马在桥头抵挡蜂拥而至的敌军。

  • 2


    ...茫茫大海中漂浮,似乎有些困惑,找不清方向,战时的讲演片段作为旁白响起,引用自罗马孤胆英雄贺雷修斯?高科莱(Horatius Cocles)的名言:一个人如何才能死得重于泰山,为了他的祖先与信仰?

  • 权威例句
  • 1.

    C. historian of early Rome, and took his stories as exempla of heroism, to be cherished and emulated: Scaevola, Horatius Cocles, and Cincinnatus.

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  • 2.

    Like the legendary ancient Roman hero, Publius Horatius Cocles (Horatius to his friends) - who legend has it saved his city and made possible its future glory by singlehandedly holding off an army of Etruscan warriors at a bridge over the Tiber River - he has not been dissuaded from fighting for what he believes in by long odds or intense political pressure.

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