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1 ?河北省 南水北调与水利科技__期刊 关键词: 河北省;南水北调;配套工程;实施;逐步[gap=835]Key words : Hebei, South-to-North Water Transfer Project, conveyance system, implementation, step 2 ?人才热线 河北人才热线(hebei.jsjrc.com),为中华人才热线旗下的招聘网站,基于智能手机近些年的快速增长,求职者用户对于手机客户端的迫切需求,解决求职者用... 3 ?今日河北 ...9月29日中央气象台发布河北省末来15天天气预报信息;今日河北(hebei)全省天气主要以 多云 、多云 、雷阵雨 、阵雨 、晴天气为主,午后最高气温为12℃,夜间凌晨最低气温是26℃; 下以是河北各城市15天...
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For example, since 1962, China has been planting trees in Saihanba, Hebei Province. 例如,1962年以来,中国开始在河北省塞罕坝植树。 - 2
On April 1, the Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province celebrated its fourth "birthday". - 3
She first collected in her hometown, then in other provinces such as Hebei and Shandong. 她先是在家乡收集,然后在河北、山东等其他省份收集。