释义 |
钩杆 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?钩头杆 ... 扎线杆tie pole 钩头杆hook pole 多用接头杆universal hand pole ...
- 1
She handed the pole to Li Wen, who lowered the line, and raised it when she felt a jerk, only to see an empty hook. 探春交给了李纹,李纹急忙把竿垂下,觉得丝儿一动,忙挑起一看是个空钩。 - 2
Then, straightened up, seize the pole hook up to mention. - 3
The rod was a bamboo pole, the hook was converted from a paper pin, the string was cotton sewing thread, the float pulled from a broom, and tooth-paste casing boiled and shaped into a plummet. 竹竿就是鱼杆,大头针就是鱼钩,缝纫机线就是钓鱼线,芒草扫帚抽一根出来切出一截就是鱼漂,而牙膏壳就烧制成铅锤。