释义 |
1 ?格拉玛 “格拉玛”(Granma)是“老奶奶”、“老太太”的意思。这个船名的来历有两种说法,一是说这就是船的本名,是船主为纪念他的奶奶而起的名字,另一种说... 2 ?格拉玛号 1956年11月25日,「七二六运动的82名战士挤在「格拉玛号(Granma)小游艇上,从墨西哥维拉克鲁斯州(Veracruz)的Tuxpan出发,驶向古巴。 3 ?格拉玛报 向全国发行的报纸《格拉玛报》(Granma)的尹相铉
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His regular columns for Granma, the state newspaper - which he has continued to write throughout his illness - will continue. 即使病重期间,他仍坚持为他在《格拉玛报》的专栏撰写文章。 - 2
Granma said that after the plan was "perfected" some 3.5m Cubans could expect their 24,700 workplace canteens to close too, and would get a similar wage increase. 《格拉玛报》报纸表示,这项计划“完成”后,约350万古巴人民可以预期24,700处工作场所的食堂亦将关闭,并会补贴类似的工资。 - 3
Granma said that after the plan was "perfected" some 3.5m Cubans could expect their 24, 700 workplace canteens to close too, and would get a similar wage increase. 《格拉玛报》报纸表示,这项计划“完成”后,约350万古巴人民可以预期24,700处工作场所的食堂亦将关闭,并会补贴类似的工资。