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一半银 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
In fact, after three hours and a half, Pinocchio saw her return with a silver tray on her head. 事实上,过了三个半小时,皮诺乔才看见她头上顶着一个银盘子回来。 - 2
And, in any arbitrary crucible full of molten silver, half of them are going to be spin-up and half of them are going to be spin-down. 并且,在任一个浇满了熔银的坩埚中,银原子中的电子一半是向上转,另一半是向下转。 - 3
Silver, meanwhile, is up by more than half, topping $30 an ounce. 与此同时,白银的价格也上涨了一半,达到了30美元/盎司。