释义 |
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As we buzzed north, following the coast, white dots appeared in the water: first growlers, then small icebergs, and at last a mush of half-melted sea ice. 当我们急忙沿着海湾向北时,水中出现了小白点。 先映入眼帘的是冰山残片,接着是小冰山,最后,是一滩半融化的海冰。 - 2
Think how surprised everyone was when, on raising the sheets, they discovered Pinocchio half melted in tears! 大家掀开被单时都非常震惊,他们发现皮诺乔泪如雨下! - 3
There, half the reactor core melted in the first two hours of the accident. The melting stopped when an operator turned on emergency cooling, which had mistakenly been turned off. 在那次事故中,有一半核反应堆芯在事故发生后的两小时内便融化了,直到工作人员将误关的应急冷却系统开关重新打开,反应堆芯才停止了融化。