释义 |
1 ?庄稼地 庄稼的英文 ... 糟害庄稼 damage crops 庄稼(田)地。 grain field 庄甲 shoko ... 2 ?麦地 ... 鸭棚 ,duck coop 麦地 ,grain field 麦垛 ,grain stack ...
- 1
Charlie asked as he grabbed a pair of scissors and started snipping off the heads of the grain in the grain field. - 2
One day a woman was walking along a grain field, and her little child, who was jumping along beside her, fell into a puddle and got his clothes dirty. 一天,一位妇女路经一片麦地,她的小孩在她身边跑着,一下跌进了泥坑里,弄脏了小衣服。 - 3
“It would take just one spark and this whole field would disappear in 15 minutes, ” said Andrey Skoblikov, gesturing across a huge grain field at his farm at Larsha, 400km east of Moscow. 在莫斯科东部400公里的拉尔沙,安德烈·斯科布利科夫指着自己的广阔农田说,“只要一枚火星,整片地就会在15分钟内踪迹全无。”