释义 |
- 毕业生职位:指为刚刚从大学或研究生院毕业的学生提供的工作职位。
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Make the best of any opportunity because, if you've progressed, whatever the position, it always looks better when you come to apply for graduate positions". 因为,充分利用机会去提高自己,无论职位高低,当你毕业申请职位的时候,你会发现受益匪浅。 - 2
Managing a lab is really managing a small business and these are skills that, for the most part, are not taught in graduate school or during a postdoctoral position, Schwartz says. 管理一个实验室实际上是管理一个小型企业,而在大多数情况下,这些技能在研究生院或博士后期间并没有传授,施瓦茨如是说。 - 3
When I finished graduate school, in 1976, there was a job shortage in Canada for Ph.D.’s. The only position I found was with a research project studying second language acquisition in school children. 我从未想过双语到底是好是坏,我的博士学位主修的是心理学,研究小孩如何学习语言,1976年我毕业的时候,那时在加拿大非常少的工作适合心理学方面的人才,我唯一能找到的职位是一个关于少儿语言学习的研究项目。