释义 |
gradualness 英/ ?ɡr?dj??ln?s / 美/ ?ɡr?d?u?ln?s / - 1
土木建筑工程 渐进式 The small scale-gradualness-tiny cycle rebuilding model is a total guard to Beijing history districts, which can not only protect the traditional buildings, but also keep the relationship between neighbors. 文中认为小规模渐进式微循环改造方式既可以保护北京历史街区的传统建筑和街巷肌理,又可以保持历史街区的人文风情,维系住形成百年的邻里氛围,是对历史街区全面的保护方式。
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艺术学 阶段性 In esthetics theory, Hegel symbolized the view significance to lie in him to establish the symbol to reside in the spiritual and the performance intermediary position and its existence historical gradualness. 在美学理论中,黑格尔象征观的意义在于他确立了象征居于精神与表现的中介之位及其存在的历史阶段性。
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