释义 |
- abbr.商学士(Bachelor of Science in Business)
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This irreflexivity can be used to set up an equivalence relation—that is, for Key s a and b , if comp(a, b) is false and comp(b, a) is false , then a and b must be equivalent. 这个反自反性质可以用来建立一个等价关系(equivalence relation)—也就是,对于Keys a和b来说,如果comp(a,b)为false并且comp(b,a)也为false,那么我们就说a和b是等价的。 - 2
B And mu B in the liquid phase B has to be equal to mu B in the gas phase. S o four minus two constraints means you have two degrees of freedom. 液相的μ,必须等于气相的μ,所以四减去二意味着,你有两个自由度。 - 3
The U. S. , for example, has B-2, but B-52, which is a veteran now, is still the most widely and frequently used bomber. 就像美国虽然有B-2轰炸机,但列装数量最多、使用频率最高的仍然是老骥伏枥的B-52。