释义 |
加热管路 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?热力管道 ... heating outgoing line corridor 热力管线走廊 Heating pipe line 热力管道 tank heating line 油舱加热管路 ; 货油加热管路 ; 油舱加热管系 ...
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Anticorrosion line is the basic equipment in the pipe anticorrosion engineering. A series of processes such as heating pipe, getting rid of rust, spreading, etc, can be realize by the line. 防腐作业线是管道防腐工程中的基本装置,通过它可以实现对管道的加热、除锈、涂敷等一系列工艺过程。 - 2
Based on this method, the design and construction of barrel vault advanced support in line Fuxingmen to Bawangfen of subway and the heating pipe in Beijing got a perfect result. 按此方法指导的水平管棚设计施工在北京地铁复八线和热力管道工程中取得了良好的效果。 - 3
The line is composed of steel shot blasting, intermediate frequency heating pipe, electrostatic spraying, infrared heating curing process equipment. 该作业线由钢管道抛丸除锈,中频管道加热;静电喷涂;红外线加热固化等工艺设备组成。