世界较大的潜水组织有世界潜水联合会(CMAS)、国际潜水教练协会(NAUI)、职业潜水教练协会(PADI)、英国潜水协会(BSAC)、国际潜水学校联盟(ADS)和国际水肺潜水学校(SSI)等。 2中国官方的潜水组织是哪个?
When he was appointed chief instructor for the tri-services diving school, he adopted BSAC's method of teaching.
BBC: Diver John Smith
Mr Smith also became a member of the British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC), because he also "wanted to dive for pleasure".
BSAC, the governing body of scuba and snorkelling in the UK, honoured Mr Smith with a lifetime achievement award when he left the Royal Navy.