释义 |
像哇 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?音乐名称 ... 音乐名称: Like Whoa 歌手姓名: Aly & AJ 所属专辑: Insomniatic ...
- 1
I was like, whoa, what has happened? - 2
Like, there was this little capuchin monkey named Crystal, and then [after seeing the film] 'Whoa, that's Adam Sandler, "' laughs Dawson." 比如说,有只小僧帽猴名叫水晶,然后看完这个电影“哇,这就是亚当·塞德勒”森笑道。 - 3
And at a certain point you look around, you're like, "Whoa, this is a really nerdy crowd." 后来到一定的程度,你左右环顾一下,你会说:“哇塞,这可真是一帮疯子。”