释义 |
- 降低体温:采取措施使体温下降,通常指通过药物或物理方法来降低发烧的体温。
1 ?退烧 Bring Down A Fever(退烧), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
- 1
Merrill Lynch, Tylenol can bring down a fever, to alleviate cold symptoms, but does not cure. - 2
In order to bring down the fever, a doctor injected too much streptomycin to her. Her fever was gone, but she became deaf and mute. 2岁时,邰丽华得了麻疹,高烧不退,为退烧医生就给她注射了大量链霉素,烧退了,但她从此变得又聋又哑。 - 3
Third, if your baby does have only a low grade fever, there are some steps that you can take at home to work to bring down that fever. 第三,如果你的宝宝确实只有低烧,那么在家你就可以采取一些步骤来降低宝宝的温度。