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1 ?发网 ...halak... hairnet(尤指女用的)发网... hairnets(尤指女用的)发网(... hairologist<美>头...
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At 8 a.m. in Shenzhen, the young women on the night shift got up from the assembly line, took off the hats and hairnets they had been wearing, and shook out their dark hair. 8点钟的深圳。上夜班的年轻女工们从装配线上起来,摘下一直戴着的帽子和发罩,然后甩开她们的黑发。 - 2
Procedures for use of impermeable gloves, hairnets, caps, beard covers, etc. and for restrictions on use of food, drinks, tobacco, etc. in areas whereby product contamination could occur. 在产品可能受到污染的区域,需要制定使用非渗透性的手套,发网,帽子,须套以及限制饮食,喝水,吸烟等的程序。 - 3
There is more: a 2% increase in materials such as latex gloves and hairnets, a 5% increase in lab supplies for milk testing and an 8% increase in the chemicals used to clean the plant and equipment. 还有更多:原材料成本(例如塑胶手套和头发网帽)增加2%、供牛奶检测用的实验室用品成本增加5%、用来清洁厂房和设备的化学用品成本增加8%。