This study identifies the major deubiquitinase for histoneH2A and demonstrates that H2A deubiquitination is critically involved in cell cycle progression and gene expression.
本研究确定了主要的组蛋白h 2 A去泛素和表明H2A去泛素化是至关重要参与细胞周期进程和基因表达。
Histone H3 along with H2A, H2B, and H4 form the eukaryotic nucleosome octamer core.
组蛋白 H3 与 H2A,H2B,H4 共同构成了真核生物核小体的八聚体核心。
The core consists of 140 base pair of DNA wrapped around a globular histone bead containing two each of histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4.