As a bonus, the application shuts down more gracefully than it does with the CTRL+C brute-forcemethod.
其中一个优点是,与使用 CTRL+C 强硬方法相比,应用程序关闭得更恰当。
"The evidence for using kites to move large stones is no better or worse than the evidence for the bruteforcemethod," Gharib says.
“使用风筝来移动大石头的证据和使用蛮力方式的证据差不多。” Gharib 说。
If that doesn't work, you can always try the sheer bruteforcemethod: specify the necessary compiler flags as part of your CC environment variable, or as part of the CFLAGS environment variable.
如果这样仍不行,您还可以尝试使用完全强制的方法:指定需要的编译器标记为您的 CC 环境变量或者是 CFLAGS 环境变量的一部分。