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他的太阳落山了 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?他的全盛时期已经过去 ... 你在你的全盛时期安息 You made your bed in salad days 他的全盛时期已经过去 his sun is set 美俚]最佳时期, 全盛时期 salad days ...
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When the sun goes below the horizon he is not set; the heavens glow for a full hour after his departure. 太阳虽下了地平线,其实并未消逝,它离去以后,天上仍有整整一个小时的光亮。 - 2
Early spring the sun through the large glass photo frame in the house, the true set of the bright jealous, while his will is also a light waving in the bright, Who he is a paper-king it! 初春的太阳透过大框的玻璃照在房中,真可订本光明妒,而他的必中也是一片光挥灿烂,谁让他是剪纸王呢! - 3
"The sun has set." said the rich man, "But look at the sky!" His sister, the moon, is now in the sky. She gives us light. “太阳落山了,”农场主说,“可你看看天空,他的妹妹月亮还在天空,不是照样给我们光亮吗?”