n. 布兰森(美国密苏里州的一个城镇)
Foyer D'Antan旅馆坐落在一个安静的地方,距离布吕松(Brusson)的中心只有5分钟的步行路程,提供面向阿亚斯谷(Ayas Valley)的高山风格的公寓,周围环绕着一个大花园,提供免费停车场和雪具寄...
When London-based entrepreneur Nicolas Brusson designed his ride-sharing startup, BlaBlaCar, he wanted to limit awkward interactions.
WSJ: Tech's Over-Sharing Economy
And a driver no-show is even worse, as the passenger may not have an alternative, Mr. Brusson says.
WSJ: European Commuters Embrace Car-Sharing
Mr. Brusson's website, which is funded by advertising, serves as a forum for drivers to advertise their routes.