...广义协变性;暗物质*成持次让也波尊炎东代那,加便具折盛柄地是向。 [gap=1002]principle of constant speed of light; the law of interchange M—V; inertial mass; general covariance; dark matter*耐淡的重么不之犹老,炎个的着女手服前黑之,有在是碰。
... imperfect covariance : 不完全协方差 general covariance : 广义协方差 covariance for population : 总体协方差 ...
By using the arrays normalized general impedance matrix to express the mutual coupling between the elements, the characteristics of the covariance matrix of the adaptive arrays are analyzed.
Finally, robustness of the simple projection predictor in the general growth curve model with different linear predictable variable on the covariance matrix are investigated.
Results: a general framework of the model is established. The property of covariance density and the goodness of fit test are given.