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1 ?颗粒级配 度百科 中文名称:颗粒级配 英文名称:gradation of grain 定义:反映构成土的颗粒粒径分布曲线形态的一种特征。应用学科:水利科技(一级学科);... 颗粒级配_百度文库 颗粒级配-简要介绍资料的主要内容,以获得更多的关注
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In this experiment, the different total salt level, different grain gradation artificial sample were compounded by use of the mixture of average design method to determine earth consistency limit. 按混料均匀设计方法配制不同总盐水平、不同颗粒级配的人工土样,通过界限含水率试验测定土的稠度界限。 - 2
Based on the influencing factors on asphalt mixture quality and service life of pavement, the control methods of broken stone diameter, gradation, composition, content of grain less than 0. 针对影响沥青混合料生产质量及沥青路面使用寿命的各种因素,提出对碎石粒径与级配、颗粒组成一致性、粗集料中0。 - 3
It is very important to determine reasonably the maximum grain size, graded sizes and gradation of the coarse aggregate.