n. 笨手笨脚的人
n. 杉木的一种或其木材
... 所属州: NY 名字: Kautz 姓: J ...
高立希 ; 乌里希·考茨
卡兹酒店 ; 法兰克福卡兹酒店
Ms. MICHELLE KAUTZ (Director of Communications, National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition): It's been absolutely unbelievable.
NPR: Ethanol-Based Fuel Enthusiasts Face Lack of Pumps
First of all, I want to say congratulations to Elizabeth Kautz, the new president.
WHITEHOUSE: Talking Jobs with America??s Mayors
Michelle Kautz, of the National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition, says these are heady days for those in the ethanol industry.