? ? ? 明尼阿波利斯联储行长Kashkari(无投票权):英国退欧可能对美国构成低度的直接金融稳定风险。
美联储Kashkari(有投票权):就业市场尚未完全复苏;目前通胀和薪资并未发出警告讯号。 摩根大通:维持看多布油,将2017年布油价格预期下调至55.75美元/桶。
kashkari(卡什卡里), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
卡什卡利 ; 卡什卡里 ; 凯西卡瑞 ; 卡西卡瑞
David McCormick is undersecretary of international affairs at the Treasury Department and Kashkari's most recent boss.
NPR: Ex-Rocket Scientist To Oversee Financial Bailout
The day Paulson unveiled his financial rescue plan, Kashkari addressed the American Enterprise Institute.
He says Kashkari worked like a slave, often even on projects he wasn't directly overseeing.