释义 |
1 ?白头鹤 ?2014 Baidu白头鹤(Hooded Crane),自然,野生鸟类,观鸟旅行,崇明东滩,白头鹤... 2 ?英文名 ... 科名拉 Gruidae 拉丁名 Grus monacha 英文名 Hooded Crane ...
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So the wintering period of Hooded Crane at Chongming Dongtan is about 5 months. - 2
They were Hooded Crane (52 birds), White-naped Crane (4 birds), Red-crowned Crane (11 birds), Demoiselle Crane (11 birds). 其中白头鹤52只,丹顶鹤11只,白枕鹤4只,蓑羽鹤11只。 - 3
Additionally, the population of oriental stork, white spoonbill and hooded crane were over 1% of the global geographical population. 其中,东方白鹳、白琵鹭和白头鹤的种群数量超过全球地理种群数量的1%。