释义 |
Honiara 英/ ?h??n??ɑ?r? / 美/ ?ho?n??ɑ?r? / 1 ?霍尼亚拉 霍尼亚拉(Honiara) 是所罗门群岛的首都,也是瓜达尔卡纳尔省省会。霍尼亚拉位于太平洋上的瓜达尔卡纳尔岛北岸,克鲁斯岬角西面。 2 ?侯尼阿腊港 如新几内亚航线的侯尼阿腊港(HONIARA)是所罗门群岛的基本港口,而基埃塔(KIETA)是非基本港口,运往基埃塔港的货物运费率要在侯尼阿腊运费率基础上增加转船附加费USD43... 3 ?荷尼阿拉 在从索罗门群岛的首府荷尼阿拉(HONIARA)到巴布亚纽几内亚的曼丹(Madang)的航程,在八、九月是有西南季风,越偏北越靠近无风带,因此越北风力越弱;不过,这次整个航程的... 4 ?所罗门群岛 大溪地(PAPEETE),巴布新几内亚(LAE,PORT MORESBY,MADANG,ALOTAU),所罗门群岛(HONIARA),斐济群岛(SUVA),新喀里多尼亚岛(NOUMEA),汤加(NUKUALOFA),密克罗尼西亚群岛(YAP),萨摩亚群岛(APIA),马尔绍群岛(MA...
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Honiara's special constables regularly extort money from the government, including extravagant allowances and overtime payments. ECONOMIST: The Solomon Islands: The Pacific's first failed state? | The - 2.
The Secretary-General, accompanied by Madam Ban, departed Canberra for Honiara, Solomon Islands, that afternoon, arriving in the evening. UN: Secretary-General - 3.
Only resource-poor Malaita, and its itinerant elite in Honiara, are keen to keep the country as it is. ECONOMIST: The Solomon Islands: The Pacific's first failed state? | The