释义 |
同音异义的音乐 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?主音音乐 多线条式旋律交织而成的复音音乐,逐渐被主音音乐(homophonic music) 式的写作手法取而代之. 2
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Last time we said we had three kinds of texture in music which are: monophonic, homophonic and polyphonic. 上一次我们说过,音乐中有三种织体,单音,主音和复音织体。 - 2
Key Concepts: rise of piano, standardisation of the orchestra, sonata form, chamber music, symphony, balance, enlightenment, absolute music, concerto, homophonic. 主要音乐概念:钢琴地位的提升,管弦乐队的标准编制,奏鸣曲式,室内乐,交响乐,音乐平衡感,音乐教化作用,纯音乐,协奏曲,主调音乐。 - 3
The rise of piano, standardisation of the orchestra, sonata form, chamber music, symphony, balance, enlightenment, absolute music, concerto, homophonic. 钢琴地位的提升,管弦乐队的标准编制,奏鸣曲式,室内乐,交响乐,音乐平衡感,音乐教化作用,纯音乐,协奏曲,主调音乐。