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心脏疾病,缺血性 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Epidemics and infections are giving way as leading causes of death to ischemic heart diseases, cancers, and trauma - which need surgical interventions. 流行病和感染作为主要死亡原因正在让位于缺血性心脏病、癌症和创伤,这些疾病都需要进行手术干预。 - 2
The results showed that ischemic heart and cerebrovascular diseases might produce the effects of competing risks on deaths of lung, intestine and pancreas cancer. 结果表明:心脑血管疾病可能对肺癌、肠癌和胰腺癌产生了竞争性死亡的效应。 - 3
It is an important yet a difficult task for family physicians to efficiently manage chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart diseases and ischemic cerebrovascular diseases. 高血压,糖尿病,冠心病和缺血性脑血管病等慢性病的有效管理,是社区全科医生的重要工作内容,也是一个比较困难的课题。