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- 性别政治:涉及性别角色、性别平等和性别歧视等问题的政治议题和社会运动。
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文学 性别政治 However hot the debate is , the key of this issue is outside it because any gender politics must concern the nation and the class politics. 各方观点争执不下。 然而问题的关键并不在此,因为任何性别政治都必然关涉到民族国家和阶级政治,性别问题的解决不可能脱离民族国家和阶级问题的解决而单独进行。
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语言学 性别政治 They go to great length to remove the gender discrimination to women in translation through their manipulation to the source texts. So their gender politics will be illustrated in their translations. 于是,翻译就成为了女性主义译者争取平等,消除翻译中的性别歧视的斗争之场,而她们的性别政治倾向,两性之间的权利关系也尽显其中。
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Plus, far-future gender politics and teenagers with machine guns in a shopping mall. 再说,那些发生在遥远未来的性别政策和商场里拿着机关枪的年轻人。 - 2
Gender is a core concept in feminist international politics theory.