释义 |
- 性别平等:指男女在社会、经济、文化等各个领域享有同等的权利、机会和资源。
- 1
They were the pioneers of gender equity, in their useful, adaptable clothing, which was both made for the masses and capable of self-expression. 她们是性别平等的先驱者,她们的衣服实用、适应性强,既适合大众,又能表现自我。 - 2
That gender, equity and environmental factors under-pin all health issues, strategies and policies, and that special attention to given to women's and girls health. 性别、公平和环境因素是所有卫生问题、战略和政策的基础,并应特别关注妇女和女孩的卫生问题。 - 3
Article 10 the competent authority at central, municipal, county or city shall designate budgeting in accordance with all the projects planned by its gender equity education committee. 第10条中央、直辖市、县(市)主管机关及学校每年应参考所设之性别平等教育委员会所拟各项实施方案编列经费预算。