释义 |
1 ?毛状羽 ... hair bundle 毛束 hair feather 毛状羽 hair follicle 毛囊 ... 2 ?纤羽 ... 丝鳃目 FILOBRANCHIA [羽毛];纤羽 filoplume; hair feather 丝状伪足;足丝 filopodium (pl. -dia) ... 3 ?毛羽 ... hair esthesiometer ==> 毛发触觉计 hair feather ==> 毛羽 hair felt ==> 毛毡,发毡,丝毛毡 ...
- 1
The "hair" comes alive, rapidly interweaving with the feather-like tendrils. 他的“头发”就像活了一样,迅速和重铠马的触须缠在一起。 - 2
In the nature, most male animal ratio pantheress animals are all beautiful, for example the Cape of the "mane" hair, hart and the rich in hues feather of the male peacock of the male lion. 自然界中,大多数雄性动物比雌性动物都漂亮,比如雄狮的“鬣”毛、鹿的角和雄孔雀的斑斓羽毛。 - 3
The feather dropped on the curly light hair of a young man, whose business it was to have a care for the goods—, supercargo they called HIM. 羽毛落到了一个监管货物的年轻人的卷发上,人们叫他'监管兼代理'。