释义 |
1 ?名字 ... 所属州: MN 名字: Haefner 姓: Andrea ...
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Last but not least, says Haefner, be professional and concise in all of your correspondences. 最后也是最重要的,哈伊·弗纳说:专业和简洁的在你所有的对应关系。 - 2
"Ask questions when you are not sure, deliver on time, and try to overachieve," says Haefner. “不确定时就问,努力按时或者提前完成任务,”海纳夫说。 - 3
The key to getting what you want, Haefner notes, is to point out how your employer will benefit from giving it to you. Haefner提醒说,要得到你想要的东西,关键是要向你的雇主展示如果他给予你想要的,他将会如何从中获益。