释义 |
1 ?高达奶酪 高达奶酪(Gouda Cheese):高达奶酪产自荷兰,形状一般是大大的圆盘状,橙色的外皮,味道比较温和,不过和熟成时间也有关,它的味道是咸香的,它的橙色表... 2 ?小红波芝士 ... Feta Cheese飞达芝士 Gouda Cheese小红波芝士 Goby Cheese夏弗若芝士 ... 3 ?达干酪 133.142 古乌达干酪(Gouda cheese),古乌达干酪,gouda,cheese,,国际法规,美国... 4 ?豪达奶酪 到了17世纪,荷兰出产的黄色圆形豪达奶酪(Gouda cheese)和橙色球形艾登奶酪(Edam cheese)其名声早已传遍欧洲。甚至在今天,荷兰产奶酪中的三分之二都是严格地被用来出口。
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Working around the clock, we induced strangulation in a mouse. This was accomplished by coaxing the rodent to ingest healthy portions of Gouda cheese and then making it laugh. 我们工作得连轴转,让一只老鼠产生了窒息:我们哄那只啮齿动物咽下古达干酪中没有变质的部分,然后逗它大笑。 - 2
It is better to eat such kind of cheese as Swiss, cheddar, or Gouda. - 3
Aged gouda, cheddar and mimolette cheese go very well with red Bordeaux. It may be a cliché but port and stilton work very well together. 成熟的高德干酪(gouda),切达干酪 (cheddar)和米摩雷特奶酪(mimolette)跟波尔多红酒很配:另外,虽然有些老生常谈,但波特葡萄酒(port)与斯提耳顿干酪 (stilton)的确堪称绝配。