释义 |
猎人,约翰 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
John Hunter, an oceanographer at the University of Tasmania in Australia, says the study is solid, and good news for those preparing evacuations. 约翰·亨特,澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学的海洋学家,认为此研究是站得住脚的,对那些准备撤退的人来说是个好消息。 - 2
Burton will be directing from a screenplay re-written by Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter author Seth Grahame-Smith, as John August (Big Fish, Corpse Bride, The Nines) wrote the first draft. 《大雨》的编剧约翰-奥加斯特已经完成了剧本的初稿,而第二版的改变工作已经交给了《亚伯拉罕-林肯:吸血鬼亨特》的作者赛斯-格雷厄姆-史密斯。 - 3
John Hunter was the world's first modern surgeon.